Festivals are the best time when people used to spend their money on buying stuff for themselves, gifting to their loved ones etc. Actually, it’s the time when they love to shop for their favorite products.  For business persons, it’s the best time to get spikes in your sales graph. Just like Valentine’s Day, It is known to be to the festival of love. The entire week is celebrated as Valentines Week.

Lovebirds used to spend a lot of money during these days and you can use this opportunity to get good business out of the week. It's not that you'll get customers automatically to your store. You need to have a proper strategy that can make your stand out of your competitors and you can grab more and more customers by implementing the right strategies. Festival days are the best days to get the opportunity of reconnecting with your potential customers.

In this Article, We'll be learning more about the strategies and optimizations you need to carry out to get the most out of your investments. Every business, Strategy plays a vital role behind the rise and fall of the business. You need to make sure that you're implementing the right things to get the rise in your business.

Not only Valentine Day, But You can also follow the strategy for other festival marketing Campaigns too.

Let's know why festival days are the best time to grow your business.

How Festival Days Can Grow Your Business?

It's always about the market & users. During the festival, you will get both the things. The perfect market and a lot of users who are willing to buy products. Taking an example of Valentine’s Day, Almost every couple goes out to buy gifts for their partners and to make them feel special. If you're good at catching emotions, you can sell anything with the use of emotions to drive user actions.

11 Tips to Get More Business & Brand Awareness This Valentine

boost Sales on Valentine's day

There's more and more in business to learn. Every day there's something new in the market and we need to adopt it. Anyways, I would like to sum up some of the best tips to grow your business on certain occasions. Here, I'll be sharing with you all 11 tips to grow your business during this Valentine Week.

1) Pre-Planning
It's the most important point. Time Management with proper implementation is highly required in order to make your campaign successful. Valentine's Day is just 2 weeks away and you have to start working on it from right now? You have to figure out your potential customers, your perfect market and your winning product to make this Valentine lovely for your business.

Talking about other Festivals. We recommend you to start a month or two before the festival. This will help you to plan and execute steps that can be effective for your business.

During the pre-planning phase. You have to figure out the best products & services you can offer to your customers on Valentines week so that the conversion chances are higher. Try to stand apart from the crowd by your creativity. Make the best use of your creative team and ask them for ideas regarding the same.

2) Email Marketing
Emails are still alive and people check their emails. Don't underestimate the power of Email Marketing and use it to its best to make more conversions during the festive days. You can email your customers regarding your offers & freebies during the Valentine Week Sale. Make Sure you're providing value to your customers and not spamming their inbox with your promotional emails. Slow And Steady wins the race and you should also apply this during your email marketing campaigns.

Start sending valuable emails to your users’ weeks before the target date. This will build positive brand perspective in the eyes of your customers and it'll become easier to make them your customer during the Valentines week.

3) Online/Offline PR - Getting Listed in Festival Listings/blogs
One of the best ways to get exposure for your business during Valentine's days is to build great PR online with the help on the Internet. Building PR online means reaching out to the online media houses and give them your story. This way you can be listed in their festival listings and many more. This way you can gain more exposure for your campaign and at the same time, you’ll be building your brand awareness too. This will help you in a long run and in the upcoming festivals too.

If you're running an offline business then you can reach out to the local magazines and ask them to cover your brand story in their magazines.

4) Using Social Media to Grow Your Business
Social Media is at the boom and you should understand the potential they have within them. Your social media absence can benefit your business competitor who's having a social media presence. Social media are the platforms where people interact and discuss things. Make sure you make a buzz on social media with your products & marketing campaigns.  Creating a buzz in social media can be interpreted as offering something extra to the users that they don't expect.

Engage with your audience on social media platforms like Facebook & Instagram and provide continuous value to them. This way you can convert them into your customer. You can use Facebook ChatBot to increase brand awareness on Facebook with the help of automated chatbot.

5) Collaborating With Influencers & Supporters
Influencers & Supporters can also make your business go up during this Valentine week. All you have to do is to start building a list of influencers & supporters on different online platforms with high audience reach. Start building similar contacts and reach them out regarding your offers and do a collaboration with them or offer sponsorships.

This way you can deliver your brand message to the audience they are already having. Influencer marketing is more effective than other marketing channels and it can give you tremendous return on investment on your spends. Talking about influencers, I would recommend you to go for Instagram Influencers & YouTube Influencers as these both platforms are highly in trend. More users are available on the platform your brand will get more reach through these channels.

6) Website – It is vital that you have a website and a booking engine
Don't have your business website? It can hurt your business a lot. In this era, the Internet is the first place where people go out and search for anything. If you don't have your business website then how you can grow your business or get customers for your business from the internet. You should have a business website in order to scale up your business online and get more customers.

Not only will a simple website work. It should be according to your business.  For example, if you sell products then you should have an e-commerce website from where people can buy your products online. Similarly, if you own a service-based business make your website have a booking portal for your service.

This way people can reach out to your business more easily and it will also help you to make things simpler. You can manage inventory online, receive payments online, can reach out to customer easily and a lot more. A website will also help you a lot in future as everything is going digital now.

 7) Giving More on Loyalty Programs
This Valentine week, give something more to your existing users. If you're having a loyalty program in your business then it's great. If you don't, you can start a loyalty program in your business for your customers. This way you can attract more customers and also you can regain your old customers and make them your routine customers.

If you'll give offers for regular shoppers then it's going to be win-win for your customers and you can get their attention. Make offers keeping in mind your profit margins; don't offer big from your own pockets. You can build a perfect pricing strategy for your products and services. 

8) Festive Goodies
Everyone loves goodies and what if someone offers goodies on every shopping they make. They'll obviously go for the offer. This is the way to get customer attention by giving more than your competitor. I've seen many gifting shops giving chocolate or something memorable as a token of love from their side whenever I shop from their store.

You can also do the same and trust me you'll not regret giving it. Everyone Loves goodies and this can help you also with the word of mouth publicity. I don't know you people know about it or not. But it's something that you give so value to your customers that your customer becomes your marketer.

Customer will tell about your brand and services to their friends & family resulting it making your business viral. This way you can end up with heavy sales on this Valentine weekend.

9)Dealing with customer inquiries timely and professionally 
Customer Service has been the most important part when you're planning a strategy to scale up your business. Not only during the festive season but you need to have a strong customer service if you want your customer stick to you. 

If you're giving out some awesome deals & products at the best prices but you're not offering customer service. It can affect the user buying actions, as well as your old customer's, will also roll out from your hands. 

You have to be very serious and professional while dealing with your customer inquiries. Be quick as no one loves a late reply. Also, make sure you provide customer support service both online and offline during the weekends.

Sometimes users contact you to discuss your product and services and giving them the right pitch can convert them into a successful sale.

10) Surprise your customers
Everyone loves surprises and so does your customers. Surprise your customers with something extra-ordinary or above their expectations. This will help you build brand loyalty and you can make your business-customer relation bonds stronger.


11) Creating Urgency 
Urgency is a key factor that makes people buys instantly from you. I've read about it on dozens of blogs and I've seen it on some online stores too. You can also try it in your business strategy. Just place a countdown timer on your website and that's it. 

You can also start a flash sale for a certain time with some high discounts. Do proper marketing of your flash sale and you'll end up filling your bank account with sales amount.

Ending Up 
As mentioned earlier, Occasions can bring a lot of customers to your business and during this Valentine week, you should have to optimize your brand as well as you have to build brand awareness in order to catch more of your customers.

I've described every 11 tips to grow your sales during Valentine Day. It's just 2 weeks from now and you've to do a lot of things. I will suggest you implement each of the above tips in your marketing strategy and business. I can assure you, you will have a great business weekend during Valentines. Not only Valentine, but you can also follow the above tips on various occasions and festivals to get more business from the high market.
Do you have some more strategies? We would love to learn from you. Comment your tips in the below comment section and we might add up your thought in the article.

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